Raad schrijft brief aan Raad van Kerken in het Midden-Oosten

Amersfoort, 18 juli 2006 – De Raad van Kerken in Nederland is geschokt door het geweld in Libanon, Israel en de Gazastrook. Om uitdrukking te geven aan zijn medeleven met de slachtoffers zond de Raad een brief naar de Middle East Council of Churches (Raad van Kerken van het Midden-Oosten). De MECC heeft een hoofdkantoor in Beiroet.

Inmiddels heeft de MECC de Raad van Kerken in een brief bedankt voor zijn medeleven.
Hieronder de tekst van beide brieven.

Middle East Council of Churches
Mr. Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary

Amersfoort, 18 July 2006

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The Council of Churches in the Netherlands is deeply shocked by the recent outbursts of violence in Lebanon, Israel and the Gaza region. It is terrible to see that many violent and terrifying events caused death, destruction and profound suffering of countless innocent people of different faiths and ethnicity.

We want to express our profound concern and our sincere sympathy with all the victims, especially the many civilians, men, women and children. Many persons were wounded or killed by the bombings; many families lost their homes and sources of income; and even more people lost their expectations of a better life and a future of justice and peace.

We want to let you know that your families, your churches and all the peoples in the Middle East are present in our prayers. In our country many Christians are praying for a peaceful and just solution of the conflict and are asking the Dutch government to do its utmost, together with other European governments, to stop the escalation of violence. We pray God, who is the Lord of Peace, to bless all efforts to resolve the conflict and to find a just and long-lasting peace.

Yours in Christ,
on behalf of the Council of Churches in the Netherlands,
Rev. Ineke Bakker,
General Secretary.

Beirut, July 19, 2006

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I thank you for your heartwarming messages received these past few days as I thank you for your sympathy, solidarity and prayers in these dreadful times. I also appreciate the efforts many of you are deploying to put an end to this terrifying war.

Indeed, the violence of the war on Lebanon has not spared any one and Lebanon is paying a very high price. The extent of the destruction and suffering is unimaginable. I am sure many of you are following the events on your TV screens.

In the face of this humanitarian catastrophe, the Middle East Council of Churches is doing its utmost, trying to respond as much as possible to the many needs of the suffering people.

I thank you for your solidarity and support and ask you to do your utmost to bring an end to this violence.

Yours in Christ,
Guirgis I. Saleh
General Secretary